Welcome to Westbrooke Elementary School!
I want to thank you for choosing Westbrooke Elementary. We have earned the "A School" designation from the Florida Department of Education. I am honored to be your principal to serve the Westbrooke students, team, parents and community. Our traditions of Pride and Excellence will keep us moving forward towards an academic rich environment where the social and emotional learning takes place. My goal is to ensure every student has a promising and successful future. The Team theme of the school year is GOING FOR THE GOLD. In the spirit of being a team and staying on the A status, we are working towards the Gold medals. Each one of us has the power to create a better future through teaching, learning, and practicing. Our teachers provide opportunities for learning and application of the concepts daily.
Thank you for your support, dedication and commitment in making Westbrooke Elementary successful as we persevere with PRIDE (Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, self-Discipline & Effort). We are proud of the hard work that our students and teachers produced to be academically successful. Our school team, community members, parents and school administrators will work together to be the top producers of successful students in the nation. We will continue collaborating to maintain the exemplary community involvement our school is known for and recognized through the Five Star Award. In addition, we will preserve the parent engagement recognized by the Golden School Award. We will keep working on ensuring a safe learning environment for all students.
Dr. Alex Reyes